Assistants often tell me that they don’t get the same opportunities within their businesses as other members of staff, because they don’t contribute to the bottom line like the others do!
Author: Lucy Brazier OBE
Lucy Brazier, OBE is one of the world’s leading authorities on the administrative profession. Author of ‘The Modern-Day Assistant: Build Your Influence and Boost Your Potential’, she is the CEO of Marcham Publishing, a global force synonymous with world-class conferences and training, including Executive Support LIVE and Modern-Day Assistant, and home of Executive Support Magazine, the gold standard of training in print for administrative professionals. Lucy is passionate about ensuring the Assistant role is truly recognised as a career and not just a job and is dedicated to supporting the development of both senior and aspiring administrative professionals. She has keynoted at almost every major conference for Assistants in the world and has a unique overview of the role and where it is heading. Lucy is also part of our Speaker Bureau. If you are interested in Lucy training your Assistants or speaking at your event, either virtually or in person, please visit